PI Leave of Absence from a Sponsored Project

Periodically, a PI may not be able to work on a project as originally committed to the sponsor. Approval from the sponsor is always needed whenever there will be a significant change in the level of effort. You may also want to review UGA’s Policy and Procedure on Leave of Absence (LOA).

  1. At the time of submitting a request for LOA, the PI should read the terms & conditions of the award to determine the sponsor’s guidelines for PI LOA, seeking assistance from his or her grants administrator in SPA if necessary.
  2. The PI will contact his or her department head to discuss the duration of absence and the expectations of the sponsor. The PI and department head will discuss appointment of a co-PI to oversee the project in the PI’s absence.
  3. The PI will notify SPA of his or her intent to take LOA. SPA will query the Grants Portal for all of the PI’s awards.
  4. The PI will draft a letter notifying sponsor of LOA and request approval for co-PI to serve as PI. Often a sponsor will require a PI on LOA to assume the role of co-PI. The letter should justify the request for LOA and should include the CV and current and pending support of the proposed co-PI. The PI will provide this letter to SPA for review and signature.
  5. The PI will complete a new transmittal form naming the replacement PI and, if applicable, showing that the original PI is now a co-PI. This new transmittal form requires signatures and updated Conflict of Interest for all senior personnel on the project, as well as department head’s signature.
  6. SPA will make the appropriate changes in the mainframe once written approval is received from sponsor.

