Industry Express FAQ

Questions by investigators about the Industry Express Sponsored Research Program

Q: Which projects are eligible for the Industry Express program?
A: Only Industry-sponsored research projects are eligible.


Q: Can I supplement the sponsor funding with UGA internal funds or federal grant funding?
A: No. Projects that are not fully funded by the industry sponsor are not eligible for the Industry Express program.


Q: My project sponsor is asking for a discounted overhead rate. What should I tell them?
A: If a discounted overhead rate is granted, the project is not eligible for the Industry Express program.


Q: I have a startup company. Can I use the Industry Express program?
A: Yes. If the project is fully funded by the industry sponsor and no discounted overhead rate is granted, then your startup can use the Industry Express Program.


Q: Do I have to use an Industry Express License agreement?
A: No. The principal investigator can choose whether or not to use an Industry Express agreement for their project if the project meets all eligibility requirements.


Q: Who should be listed as contributors on the sign-off form?
A: UGA employees and/or students who contributed significant pre-existing knowledge or skills utilized in the development of the sponsored project’s scope of work should be listed as contributors.